Not ideal is down at the moment, i'll do my best to get this running in a few days

What happened?

I had a self managed server, kinda-of. It was a digital ocean server that I managed, but I outsourced the websites (i.e. php / mysql / stuff) to ServerPilot. That was fine for years, and I used a Server Pilot free tool. But they changed to a paid model, and I didn't want to pay a monthly subscrition for a service that I never touched. It was kinda 'set and forget'.

Anyways, they actually allowed existing accounts to remain free. Until recently. The issue, is the server is so over-managed by ServerPilot that removing it is like removing a virus.
And when you try to take organs out of a living thing, it can kinda hurt. That's kinda what happened here.

Usually moving a server isn't so hard, but the fact is this one was old and running on old PHP / tech, so getting it running on a new server is problematic when I've got funky back-end services that do things like resize images, automate uploads, blah blah. I'll fix this soon.
